2) Henrik Ibsen, Edvard Grieg, and Edvard Munch are all Norwegians (Famous People)
3) The flag of Norway looks like this:
4)Norway is a constitutional monarchy, which changed the constitution allowing daughters to inherit the throne. (Society/Government).
5)The paperclip and the cheese slicer were both invented by Norwegians (Kids Edition).
6) Norway is just larger than New Mexico (Kids Edition/Land & Climate).
7)Norway lost almost half its population to the Black Plague (Kids Edition/History).
8) The island of Newfoundland has its own timezone, one half hour ahead of the East Coast of North America. (Provinces Edition- Newfoundland)
9)The Laborador retreiver and the Newfoundland are two species of dog that both originated in Newfoundland. (Provinces Edition- Newfoundland)
10) The entire territory of Nunavut lies within the Arctic Circle. (Provinces Edition/Nunavut)/
11) The flag of the territory of Nunavut looks like this:
(Provinces Nunavut)
12) Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech was delivered in Richmond. (States Edition/Virginia)
13) Arthur Ashe, Willa Cather, Katie Couric, Missy Elliott, and Edgar Allan Poe are all from Virginia. (States Edition/ Virginia).
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